Section: New Results

Analysis of structures resulting from meristem activity

Acquisition and design of plant geometry

Participants : Chakkrit Preuksakarn, Mathilde Balduzzi, Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Pradal, Christophe Godin, Christian Fournier.

This research theme is supported by RTRA project named PlantScan3D.

Virtual 3D model of plants are required in many areas of plant modeling. They can be used for instance to simulate physical interaction of real plant structures with their environment (light, rain, wind, pests, ...), to set up initial conditions of growth models or to assess their output against real data. In the past decade, methods have been developed to digitize plant architectures in 3D [48] , [42] . These methods are based on direct measurements of position and shape of every plant organ in space. Although they provide accurate results, they are particularly time consuming. More rapid and automated methods are now required in order to collect plant architecture data of various types and sizes in a systematic way. In this aim, we explore the use of pictures, laser scanner, video and direct sketching.

  • Automated reconstruction of plant architecture (Chakkrit Preuksakarn, Mathilde Balduzzi, Julien Diener, Frédéric Boudon, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Christophe Godin, Bernard Mourrain [Inria, Galaad], Franck Hetroy [Inria, Morpheus], Marie-Paule Cani [Inria, Imagine], Pascal Ferraro [Labri, Bordeaux] )

    We investigate the possibility to use 3D laser scanners to automate plant digitizing. We are developping algorithms to reconstruct branching systems without leaves or foliage from scanner data or from scan simulated on plant mock-up obtained using different digitizing method. For this we collaborate with the EPI Galaad from Sophia-Antipolis, the EPI Imagine from Grenoble, different INRA teams, UMR PIAF in Clermont Ferrand, UMR LEPSE and AFEF team in Montpellier and Lusignan, the University of Helsinki, Finland and the CFCC in England. We developed a reconstruction pipeline composed of several procedures. A contraction procedure, first aggregates points at the center of the point cloud. The team proposed a simple adaptive scheme to contract points. In a second step, a skeleton procedure uses a Space Colonization Algorithm [47] to build the skeleton of the shape from the contracted point set. This method is adaptive to the local density of the point set. Then a pipe-model based procedure makes it possible to estimate locally diameters of the branches. Finally, an evaluation procedure has been designed to assess the accuracy of the reconstruction and a comparison with alternative methods has been carried out. Publication of this work is in progress.

    Figure 3. Reconstruction of a cherry tree. Left: photograph of the original tree. Right: 3D reconstruction from a laser scan rendered and integrated on the same background.

    An automated reconstruction pipeline is also developed for processing 2D images of root system architecture (RSA) in the context of the Rhizopolis project. The analysis of these data is currently a major challenge in understanding root development. Existing tools either focus on specific applications, on simple structures (for example one root segment) or require long manual work. Here, we develop a processing pipeline that takes as an input 2D high resolution images of petri plates containing root systems. The pipeline makes it possible to extract from the images the whole architecture of root systems, with minimal or no user intervention. In order to obtain this result, the problem was decomposed in several steps: filter and label the input image, extract the image skeleton as a general graph structure and then convert it into a tree structure representing the visualised RSA, using a priori knowledge to solve inconsistencies. The pipeline has been added to the OpenAlea platform, thus allowing resulting data to be directly processed by other advanced high-level computational or statistical tools. The developed pipeline is currently being tuned and tested on several databases of 2D images with varying complexities of both arabidopsis and rice.

    Additionnally, we also investigate the reconstruction of tree foliage from laser scanners in the context of Mathild Balduzzi's PhD thesis. Such elements are crucial to study the interaction of the plant with its environment. However, laser scans contain outliers on the silhouette of the scans that make the meshing of the point set difficult. New generation of laser scanners provides intensity of the laser reflected) on the surface of scanned objects. This intensity is dependant of the distance to the object, its optical property and the incidence angle. A first work on this topic shows that after correcting the distance effect, the incidence angle can be deduced from the intensity. From this result, we develop a reconstruction technique using the scan intensities and based on Shape-From-Shading approaches. The idea is to generate a new point set from the intensities and a set of seed points. This new point set has the property of being smooth but is not necessarly the exact representation of the scanned object. To consolidate the reconstruction, we are working on merging it with the orignal noisy point set coming from the scans using Kalman filtering. As a result, a final point set will be obtained without noise and with outiers naturally removed.

  • Sketching of plants. (Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, Steven Longuay [University of Calgary, Canada], Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz [University of Calgary, Canada])

    Modeling natural elements such as trees in a plausible way, while offering simple and rapid user control, is a challenge. In a first collaboration with the EPI Imagine (ex-Evasion) we developed a method based on the design of plants from silhouettes [50] . This sketching paradigm allows quick and intuitive specification of foliage at multiple scales. On this topic, we started a collaboration with S. Longuay and P. Prusinkiewicz who develop iPad tools to design plants based on SCA. Combination of multitouch interface, sketching paradigm and powerfull adaptive procedural model that generate realistic trees offer intuitive and flexible design tools. This work is part of the Inria associated team with the University of Calgary. It has been published Eurographics Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling [32] .

  • Reconstruction from video. (Frédéric Boudon, Jérome Guenard [IRIT, Toulouse], Géraldine Morin [IRIT, Toulouse], Pierre Gurdjos [IRIT, Toulouse], Vincent Charvillat [IRIT, Toulouse])

    Even if mature computer vision techniques allow the reconstruction of challenging 3D objects from images, due to high complexity of plant topology, dedicated methods for generating 3D plant models must be devised. We propose an analysis-by-synthesis method which generates 3D models of a plant from both images and a priori knowledge of the plant species.

    Our method is based on a skeletonisation algorithm that allows to generate a possible skeleton from a foliage segmentation. Then, a 3D generative model, based on a parametric model of branching systems that takes into account botanical knowledge is built. This method extends previous works by constraining the resulting skeleton to follow hierarchical organisation of natural branching structure. 3D models are then generated. A reprojection of the models can be compared with the original image to assess the visual accuracy of the reconstruction. We optimise the parameter values of the generative model based on the reprojection criterion. Realistic results are obtained on different species of plants, in particular vineyards. Publication of this work is in progress.

  • Reconstruction of virtual fruits from pictures. (Mik Cieslak, Nadia Bertin [Inra, Avignon], Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, Michel Genard [Inra, Avignon], Christophe Goz-Bac [Université Montpellier 2])

    This research theme is supported by the Agropolis project Fruit3D.

    The aim of this work is to provide methods for generating fruit structure that can be integrated with models of fruit function and used to investigate such effects. To this end, we have developed a modeling pipeline in the OpenAlea platform that involves two steps: (1) generating a 3D volumetric mesh representation of the entire fruit, and (2) generating a complex network of vasculature that is embedded within this mesh. To create the 3D volumetric mesh, we use reconstruction algorithms from the 3D mesh generation package of the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library (CGAL). To generate the pattern of vasculature within this volumetric mesh, we use a Space Colonisation Algorithm that populates the volume of the fruit by simulating competition for space of the vasculature. We have applied our modeling pipeline to generate the internal and external geometry of a cherry tomato fruit using Magnetic Resonance Imaging data as input. These studies demonstrate the possibility to create species-specific models of fruit structure with relatively low effort [26] . These volumetric meshes are then combined with models of function to form integrative computational fruit models, which will help to investigate the effects of fruit structure on quality (see section 6.3.2 ).

  • Reconstruction of gramineous leaves. (Christian Fournier, Christophe Pradal )

    This research theme is supported by the Agropolis project OpenAlea.

    Unlike trees, the 3D architecture of gramineous plants is much more related to the shapes of its leaves than the arrangement of its branches. Many modeling efforts have thus concentrated on correctly capturing its complex shape at different stages and use them as scalable geometric primitives. Still, additional control of such objects is needed in the context of Functional Structural Modeling. The objective of this work is to propose a plastic and dynamic 3D leaf model that is well suited for such uses, still able to capture a variety of observed static shapes. Leaf shape is modeled by a parametric surface describing leaf midrib curvature, leaf width variation, undulation of leaf margins and twist along the midrib. Meshes can be generated form these surfaces, and reduced using a decimation algorithm. The model can be fed with data or with curves drawn by user interaction. Morphological operators are defined and allows for plastic deformation of the control curves. The dynamics of shape acquisition can also be specified, and combined with morphological operators to simulate various scenarii of evolution and responses to stresses. The capabilities of the model are demonstrated through several cases of use. Future directions of research are thought to be a better integration of mechanical or physiological constraints that would reduce the model plasticity but avoid user-induced unrealistic simulation. [28] .

Modeling the plant ontogenic program

Participants : Christophe Godin, Yann Guédon, Evelyne Costes, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Anaëlle Ambreville, Pierre Fernique, Christophe Pradal, Jean Peyhardi, Catherine Trottier, Yassin Refahi, Etienne Farcot.

This research theme is supported by two PhD programs.

The remarkable organization of plants at macroscopic scales may be used to infer particular aspects of meristem functioning. The fact that plants are made up of the repetition of many similar components at different scales, and the presence of morphological gradients, e.g. [37] , [43] , [44] , [41] , provides macroscopic evidence for the existence of regularities and identities in processes that drive meristem activity at microscopic scales. Different concepts have been proposed to explain these specific organizations such as "morphogenetic program" [45] , "age state" [40] or "physiological age" [38] . All these concepts state that meristem fate changes according to position within the plant structure and during its development. Even though these changes in meristem fate are specific to each species and lead to the differentiation of axes, general rules can be highlighted [40] , [38] . Here we develop computational methods to decipher these rules.

  • Relating branching structure to the shoot properties (Jean Peyhardi, Yann Guédon, Evelyne Coste, Catherine Trottier, Yves Caraglio [AMAP], Pierre-Eric Lauri [AGAP, AFEF team]) Shoot branching structures often take the form of a succession of homogeneous branching zones and have been analyzed using segmentation models such as hidden semi-Markov chains. Axillary meristem fates are influenced by local properties of the parent shoot such as for instance its growth rate or local curvature. The objective of this work, which is part of the PhD subject of Jean Peyhardi, is to develop statistical models that generalize hidden semi-Markov chains with the capability to incorporate explanatory variables that vary along the parent shoot (e.g. maximum growth rate of the leaf, surface of the leaf, length of the internode, local curvature of the parent shoot). More precisely, the simple multinomial distributions that represent the axillary productions observed in the different branching zones are replaced by multinomial generalized linear models (GLMs). Since the two classical categories of multinomial GLMs that correspond either to nominal or ordinal categorical response variables were not appropriate in our setting, we chose to develop a new family of multinomial GLMs called multi-step multinomial GLMs that enable to tackle partially ordered categorical response variables. Typically, we need to distinguish different timing of branching (e.g. immediate shoot, one-year-delayed shoot and latent bud), different categories of offspring shoots (e.g. among one-year-delayed shoots, vegetative short shoot, vegetative long shoot and flowering shoot) and to specialize the explanatory variables for certain categories of offspring shoots (e.g. the growth of the parent shoot influence the immediate offspring shoots but not the one-year-delayed offspring shoots). The resulting integrative models are called semi-Markov switching multi-step multinomial GLMs and are applied to different data sets corresponding mainly to fruit tree branching structures.

  • Genetic determinisms of the alternation of flowering in apple tree progenies. (Jean-Baptiste Durand, Jean Peyhardi, Baptiste Guitton [AGAP, AFEF team], Yan Holtz [AGAP, AFEF team] Catherine Trottier, Evelyne Costes, Yann Guédon)

    The aim of this work was to characterize genetic determinisms of the alternation of flowering in apple tree progenies. Data were collected at two scales: at whole tree scale (with annual time step) and a local scale (annual shoot or AS, which is the portions of stem that were grown during the same year). Two replications of each genotype were available.

    Indices were proposed for early detection of alternation during the juvenile phase. They were based on a trend model and a quantification of the deviation amplitudes and dependency, with respect to the trend. This allows for quantifying alternation from the yearly numbers of inflorescences at tree scale.

    However, phenotyping subsamples of AS sequences is more realistic in the framework of genotype selection. To model alternation of flowering at AS scale, a second-order Markov tree model was built. Its transition probabilities were modeled as generalized linear mixed models, to incorporate the effects of genotypes, year and memory of flowering for the Markovian part, with interactions between these components. Asynchronism of flowering at AS scale was also assessed using an entropy-based criterion.

    This work started during the PhD's work of Baptiste Guitton. It was then extended in 2012 by Yan Holtz during this Master 2 internship, supervised by Evelyne Costes and Jean-Baptiste Durand. New progenies were considered, as well as the performance of approximating the descriptors at whole tree scale with those at AS scale. These descriptors allowed the identification of QTL zones involved in the control of flowering in apple trees.

    As a perspective of this work, patterns in the production of children ASs (numbers of flowering and vegetative children) depending on the type of the parent AS must be analyzed using branching processes and different types of Markov trees, in the context of Pierre Fernique's PhD Thesis (see next item in Section 6.1.2 ).

  • Modeling branching patterns in fruit tree shoots through the characterization of their demographic properties (Pierre Fernique, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Yann Guédon).

    To test the effect of some properties of a given parent shoot on the properties of its children shoots, statistical models based on multitype branching processes were developed. This kind of dependence between parent and children shoots is frequently at stake in fruit trees, for which the number of flowering or vegetative children of a parent shoot depends on its nature, with potential interactions with other factors. Thus, controlling demographic patterns of the shoots (through varietal selection or crop management strategies) is expected to bring substantial improvements in the quantity and quality of yields.

    Formally, the shoot properties are summed up using the notion of shoot state. The number of children shoots in each state is modeled through discrete multivariate distributions. Model selection procedures are necessary to specify parsimonious distributions. We developed an approach based on probabilistic graphical models to identify and exploit properties of conditional independence between numbers of children in different states, so as to simplify the specification of their joint distribution. The graph building stage was based on exploring the space of possible chain graph models, which required defining a notion of neighbourhood of these graphs. A parametric distribution was associated with each graph. It was obtained by combining families of univariate and multivariate distributions or regression models. These were chosen by selection model procedures among different parametric families.

    This work was carried out in the context of Pierre Fernique's first year of PhD (Montpellier 2 University and CIRAD). It was applied to model dependencies between short or long, vegetative or flowering shoots in apple trees. The results highlighted contrasted patterns related to the parent shoot state, with interpretation in terms of alternation of flowering (see previous item in Section 6.1.2 ). It was also applied to the analysis of the connections between cyclic growth and flowering of mango trees. This work will be continued during Pierre Fernique's PhD thesis, with extensions to other fruit tree species and other parametric discrete multivariate families of distributions, including covariates and mixed effects.

  • Analyzing fruit tree phenology (Anaëlle Dambreville, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Pierre Fernique, Yann Guédon, Christophe Pradal, Pierre-Eric Lauri [AFEF team, AGAP], Frédéric Normand, Catherine Trottier) Mango is a tropical tree characterized by strong asynchronisms within and between trees. Causation networks explaining the vegetative and reproductive growths within and between growing cycles were studied on the basis of generalized linear models. We highlighted in this way marked interplays between structural and temporal components of tree structure development at three scales. At growth unit scale, a growth unit appeared early in the growing cycle had higher rate of burst compared to late appeared growth units. At growing cycle scale, a growth unit which flowered delayed its future vegetative growth compared to a vegetative growth unit. At tree scale, a fruiting tree delayed further vegetative growth and flowering compared to a non-fruiting tree. These results evidenced that tree phenology is strongly affected by structural components and not only by the environment. We are now investigating jointly structure development and phenology of mango using statistical models for trees in particular hidden Markov tree models and multitype branching processes.

  • Integrative developmental growth stages of shoots (Anaëlle Dambreville, Yann Guédon, Pierre-Eric Lauri [AFEF team, AGAP], Frédéric Normand) Growth and development are often studied as two separated processes. Our aim is to investigate the coordination between growth and development in mango shoots. We considered three types of organ, namely the shoot axis, its attached leaves and the inflorescence. Two types of data were collected during the shoot and inflorescence follow-up: developmental stages determined in an expert way and organs sizes determined from measurements. To give an integrative view of the shoot and inflorescence growth and development, we adopted the following strategy. For a given cultivar, we first built a multi-state model on the basis of absolute growth rate sequences deduced from the measurements. Using these models, we computed growth stages. These growth stages highlighted growth asynchronisms between two topologically-connected organs: the axis and its leaves. Then, we compared these growth stages with the developmental ones and we obtained strong matches between them. The integrated developmental growth stages emphasized that the developmental stages are markedly related to growth rates an can be interpreted in terms of physiological (hydraulics, carbohydrates partitioning) and developmental (organs preformation versus neoformation) processes.

  • Self-nested structure of plants. (Christophe Godin, Farah Ben Naoum) In a previous work [6] , we designed a method to compress tree structures and to quantify their degree of self-nestedness. This method is based on the detection of isomorphic subtrees in a given tree and on the construction of a DAG, equivalent to the original tree, where a given subtree class is represented only once (compression is based on the suppression of structural redundancies in the original tree). In the compressed graph, every node representing a particular subtree in the original tree has exactly the same height as its corresponding node in the original tree. This method thus compresses a tree in width, but not in height. In this new work, we designed an extension of this compression method in which a tree is compressed in both width and height. The method is based on the detection of so-called quasi-isomorphic paths in a tree and on the compression of these paths in height. A paper describing the corresponding algorithms is being written.

Analyzing the influence of the environment on the plant ontogenic program

Participants : Frédéric Boudon, Jean-Baptiste Durand, Christophe Godin, Yann Guédon, Jean Peyhardi, Pierre Fernique, Maryline Lièvre, Christine Granier, Evelyne Costes, Pascal Ferraro, Catherine Trottier.

This research theme is supported by three PhD programs.

The ontogenetic program of a plant is actually sensitive to environmental changes. If, in particular cases, we can make the assumption that the environment is a fixed control variable (see section 6.1.2 ), in general the structure produced by meristem results from a tight interaction between the plant and its environment, throughout its lifetime. Based on observations, we thus aim to trace back to the different components of the growth (ontogenetic development and its modulation by the environment). This is made using two types of approaches. On the one hand, we develop a statistical approach in which stochastic models are augmented with additional time-varying explanatory variables that represent the environment variations. The design of estimation procedures for these models make it possible to separate the plant ontogenetic program from its modulation by the environment. On the other hand, we build reactive models that make it possible to simulate in a mechanistic way the interaction between the plant development and its environment.

  • Influence of environment conditions and horticultural practices on the branching and axillary flowering structures of fruit tree shoots. (Yann Guédon, Evelyne Costes [AFEF Team, AGAP], Ted DeJong [UC Davis], Claudia Negron [UC Davis]).

    In the context of a collaboration with Claudia Negron and Ted DeJong, we studied the influence of water availability and pruning practices on the branching and axillary flowering structures of different categories of almond shoots Stochastic models (hidden semi-Markov chains) were built for the branching and axillary flowering structures of different categories of almond shoots corresponding to different genetic backgrounds, levels of irrigation and pruning practices.

  • Analyzing growth components in trees. (Yann Guédon, Yves Caraglio [AMAP], Olivier Taugourdeau [AMAP])

    In a forest ecology context, we identified robust indicators that summarize the balance between tree ontogeny and environmental constraints (mainly related to light environment). In this context, tree growth data typically correspond to the retrospective measurement of annual shoot characteristics (e.g. length, number of branches) along the main stem. We applied segmentation models (hidden Markov and semi-Markov chains) that enable to identify tree growth phases. This statistical modeling approach was applied to both deciduous (sessile oak and Persian walnut) and evergreen (Corsican pine and silver fir) tree species growing in contrasted conditions ranging from managed forest stands to unmanaged understoreys. The growth phase duration distributions estimated within these segmentation models characterize the balance between tree ontogeny and the environmental constraints in tree development at the population scale. These distributions had very contrasted characteristics in terms of shape and relative dispersion between ontogeny-driven and environment-driven tree development. The characteristics of growth phase duration distributions may change over tree life reflecting changes in tree competition.

  • Investigating the influence of geometrical traits on light interception efficiency of trees and grass (Liqi Han [AFEF Team, AGAP], Christophe Pradal, Frédéric Boudon, Christophe Godin, David Da Silva [UC Davis], Evelyne Costes, Philippe Balandier [PIAF], André Marquier [PIAF], Gaëtan Louarn [URP3F], Didier Combes [URP3F], Christian Fournier)

    Light availability in forest understory is essential for many processes. It controls for instance the growth potential of species and individuals in plant communities. It is, therefore, a valuable information regarding forest and crop management. However, the effects of competition for light on short term vegetation dynamics are still poorly understood. This is in part due to a lack of tractacle and precise methods to estimate light resource within a canopy. To alleviate this difficulty, models can be used to compute light interception. At a detailed scale, they often require a lot of field data to accurately predict light distribution, particularly in the case of heterogeneous canopies.

    To investigate this issue, we first analyzed the deterioration of the prediction quality of light distribution to the reduction of inputs by comparing simulations to transmitted light measurements in forests of increasing complexity in three different locations [17] . With a full set of parameters to describe the tree crown (i.e., crown extension in at least eight directions, crown height and length), the model accurately simulated the light distribution. Simplifying crown description by a geometric shape with a mean radius of crown extension led to deteriorated but acceptable light distributions. Allometric relationships used to calculate crown extension from trunk diameter at breast height seriously reduced light distribution accuracy.

    We also studied the light interception of herbaceous plants with contrasting architectures (monocultures and binary mixtures) grown at high or low density and sought to determine the important architectural features necessary to account for light partitioning among individual plants [21] . It was shown that the studied plant populations were typical of a wide range of competition intensities, ranging from sparse plants to dense size-structured populations. Plant representations using whole plant envelopes with homogeneous leaf area density (LAD) were not reliable to estimate light partitioning, irrespective of the accuracy of envelope definition. Accounting for heterogeneous LAD within plants helped to solve this problem in both sparse and dense canopies. The relative importance of traits however changed with competition intensity and was different from reports made on isolated plants. Simple envelope-based reconstructions were finally shown robust enough to support parameterisation from a tractable set of traits measured in the field provided that height and vertical LAD gradient were characterised.

    Using virtual growth simulation tools, a detailled analysis was also carried out to study more precisely the influence of architectural variability of apple trees on their light interception efficiency [30] . For this we used MAppleT, an in silico functional-structural plant model that has been built for simulating architectural development of apple trees. The STAR, namely the silhouette to total area ratio, of leaves, was chosen to evaluate the level of such efficiency. The strategy was to integrate MAppleT with the light interception model provided by the fractalysis module of the VPlants software library. Target values of four major traits (internode length, leaf area, branching angle and top shoot diameter), are varied in range previously observed in a segregating population of apple hybrids. A sensitivity analysis based on polynomial and generalised additive models was performed for highlighting the most influential trait on light interception and suggesting the optimal combination(s) of traits leading to the highest STAR. The contribution of stochastic processes that pilot tree topology in MAppleT is also investigated in the sensitivity analysis. This study not only provides a time- and resource-saving alternative for data collection, but also sets a methodology for ideotype definition and further genetic improvement of apple trees.